1 479
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141 photographed species of 501 (28%)


Ivushkin Vadim

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total species: 10
total photos: 10
total videos: 0
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1. Golden Eagle (2023-07-04)
2. Demoiselle Crane (2023-07-04)
3. Upland Buzzard (2023-07-04)
4. Bar-headed Goose (2023-07-05)
5. Common Pochard (2023-07-05)
6. Common Tern (2023-07-05)
7. Black-headed Gull (2023-07-05)
8. Tufted Duck (2023-07-05)
9. Great Cormorant (2023-07-05)
10. Mongolian Gull (2023-07-05)

recent uploads

2023-07-06. Bar-headed Goose, Common Pochard, Common Tern, Black-headed Gull, Tufted Duck, Great Cormorant, Mongolian Gull, Golden Eagle, Demoiselle Crane, Upland Buzzard, Carrion Crow, Little Ringed Plover, Lesser Short-toed Lark, Amur Falcon, Pacific Swift, Red-billed Chough, Black Kite, Eurasian Magpie, Pied Wheatear, Lesser Kestrel, Mongolian Lark, Saker Falcon, Little Owl, Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Common Rock-sparrow, Common Raven, Cinereous Vulture, Steppe Eagle, Demoiselle Crane, Greater Spotted Eagle, Goosander, Northern Wheatear, Rufous-throated Thrush, Black Woodpecker, Hill Pigeon, Pine Bunting, Daurian Jackdaw, Brambling, Ortolan Bunting, Northern Lapwing, White-winged Tern, Common Redshank, Little Gull, Common Goldeneye, Great Crested Grebe, Horned Grebe, Isabelline Wheatear, Eurasian Wigeon, Horned Grebe, Little Gull, Siberian Scoter, Unkown Bird, Common Redshank, Northern Shoveler, Grey Heron.

Big Year 2024

1. Vadim Ivushkin (10)
2. Tatyana Archimaeva (7)

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Павел Пархаев: Судя по широкой белой кайме маховых - это стайка травников


Владимир Панкратов: [....]


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И.Фефелов: Белохвостый песочник. Явно не длиннопалый, и вряд ли minutilla.

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