1 479
blog posts
141 photographed species of 501 (28%)


Big Year 2023

The winner will submit the pictures of the largest number of bird species taken on the territory of our country during this year.

You can see previous years competitions results here: 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022


* number inside brackets means the number of species photographed in 2023

all species photographed in 2023

* in order of appearance (number inside brackets means the date of first record "month-day" )
1. Great Bustard (2023-05-12)
2. Demoiselle Crane (2023-05-13)
3. Red-crested Pochard (2023-05-14)
4. Greylag Goose (2023-05-15)
5. Bar-headed Goose (2023-05-16)
6. Swan Goose (2023-05-16)
7. Dalmatian Pelican (2023-05-17)
8. Golden Eagle (2023-07-04)
9. Upland Buzzard (2023-07-04)
10. Common Pochard (2023-07-05)
11. Common Tern (2023-07-05)
12. Black-headed Gull (2023-07-05)
13. Tufted Duck (2023-07-05)
14. Great Cormorant (2023-07-05)
15. Mongolian Gull (2023-07-05)

Big Year 2024

1. Vadim Ivushkin (10)
2. Tatyana Archimaeva (7)

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Павел Пархаев: Судя по широкой белой кайме маховых - это стайка травников


Владимир Панкратов: [....]


no any comments:


И.Фефелов: Белохвостый песочник. Явно не длиннопалый, и вряд ли minutilla.

more unidentified birds...